Steam Mop by Eureka Forbes – review

Ever since my product manager days, I am a big fan of technology and the role it can play in our lives. The steam mop from Eureka Forbes is my latest purchase. Why Eureka Forbes? That’s because they have an impeccable track record of providing some world class service. Coming to the steam mop. IContinue reading “Steam Mop by Eureka Forbes – review”

Solution for Google Map – Travelling tour guide

Concept: Travelling tour guide Platform: Mobile based Application: Google Maps Benefit to user: Make road journeys fun, informative and interesting Benefit to Google: More people will use Google Maps for travelling, the existing ones will show higher brand loyalty Explaining the concept in 150 words: My wife, Richa and I, enjoy visiting places of historicalContinue reading “Solution for Google Map – Travelling tour guide”

Mind, Meditation & an Amusement Ride!

Loopy Woopy (image courtesy Imagica) The feeling when every organ of your body is talking to your mind. Your knees are saying ‘You can hurt me really bad’. Neck is whispering ‘Are you serious, you old man! I’m constantly in pain due to your madness, please don’t try this’. Heart is talking so fast thatContinue reading “Mind, Meditation & an Amusement Ride!”

Umbrella for livelihood

EVERY PICTURE HAS A STORY TO TELL What meets the obvious eye is a girl holding an umbrella for a guy as he barbecues the corn. However my dear readers I promised that every picture has a story to tell, so what’s the story for this one? The picture was taken at Borivali National ParkContinue reading “Umbrella for livelihood”

Indian Super league, #LetsFootball

Even a fool can criticize, it takes real man to find a good in every situation – Indian Super League, a start.